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Social Media

Social Media Guidance

For your “Welcome to the West Seattle Chamber” posts on our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn), here’s what we need to feature your business:

  • An image, or multiple images, of your business (can be your business logo, photos of the exterior, photos of the interior, photo of you and your staff, images of your products, etc.).
  • A short description of your business explaining exactly what you do and the services you offer.
  • Your website, contact information, location, and hours of operation.

Helpful tips for social media:


  • Facebook post character limit: 63,206 characters
  • Can tag up to 50 people or pages per post
  • Supports links
  • Maximum of 10 images per post (or 1,000 in a photo album)
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels


  • LinkedIn post character limit: 3,000 characters
  • Can only tag businesses not individuals
  • Supports links
  • Maximum of 9 images per post
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels


  • Instagram caption character limit: 2,200 characters
  • Instagram hashtag limit: 30 hashtags
  • Can tag up to 20 accounts per post
  • Does not support links in the caption
  • Maximum of 10 images per post
  • Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels


Frequently Used Hashtags:

#wschamber #westseattle #westseattlechamber #supportseattlesmallbiz

Members! To get your social media content shared on the Chamber platforms, please tag the WS Chamber:

Facebook: @west.seattle.chamber
Instagram: @westseattlechamber
LinkedIn: @wschamberofcommerce
Stay informed, connect with us on social media!

Facebook: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce - Home | Facebook

Instagram: West Seattle Chamber of Comm.'s (@westseattlechamber) Instagram profile • 167 photos and videos

LinkedIn: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce | LinkedIn

YouTube: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce - YouTube

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